Work In Progress

My life has not been easy as of late. Several things in the world are severely messed up. Too many distractions are around me. But things don’t have to stay like this. I am planning a big project again. I won’t go into details just yet only being a day in, but I will say it is another exhaustive one that requires a lot of research and thought. With that, I really am planning on being on Twitter less. Yeah yeah I said that before, but I have felt a motivation as of oate liie no other. I want this project to be big.

I’ve done a lot of character and wprld building in the past day. I like how I have things set up. My characters aren’t self-inserts for once. I am letting them breathe and be their own people. Because I view my characters as my children, it’s for the best they’re notnliie me in every way. There are some aspects of me there but they aren’t carbon copies. Each has their own path to walk, and that’s true of even imaginary figures. 

So this brief update was basically to just explain any shortage of me there is. I doubt it will last too long, but I have to do this. I can’t keep failing to make good on my promises. This is the time I have to take charge and put in effort. If I want this to be my career, I have to work for it. Thus, I will get back to work. Thank you all for being patient and understanding in advance.