Conservatives Want a Military Full of Mindless Killing Machines

This is nothing new really, but I still think it’s worth addressing in lieu of yesterday. “President” Donald J. Trump has said transgender individuals are unfit for military service. He says we are a disruption and are just mentally unfit. Like the drones they are, his followers spoke up, including cis gay Republicans. They think this dpesn’t affect them in anyway, but we as a nation have seen such unilateral violence and violations of basic human rights before and if Trump is willing to take away from one minority group, he will be more than happy to take from another. His actions extend far beyond military service and reach intonall factws of society.

The Right Wing want people to think beinf trans is a mental distraction. But the question then is, what constitutes a mental distraction? People with spouses, children, parents and siblings that they love when they go off to war have their families on their mind might be distracted or hesitent and thus ineffective to the military machine. So only cis men and women who are single with no immediate family should be allowed to serve then. Oh but wait they think cis women are overly emotional. So only cis men are allowed to enter the military. Oh wait again, men are allowed to feel anger, which is an emotion. So only robots and people with no emotions or just can’t think for themselves are allowed in the military.

See where the logical extreme the President’s tweets lead to? He and other Reoublicans want soldiers who only want to kill and nothing else. I didn’t get into specifics even of people of faith or PoC in the military, but suffice it to say the conservatives could make an arguement that those groups are overly emptional. Except they will name make that claim about cis white Christian men, which CWCM should be insulted by. Conservatives think you are midnless and unfeeling. Is that really how y’all want to be portrayed? But let’s step away from the military for now.

The ratifications of the President’s actions go beyond our armed forces. If, according to Trump, trans people are unfit for the military, what other facets of everyday life does he think we are unfit for? Leadwrahip positions in companies are out, according to him. Service jobs where we have to have face to face conversations with customers are a no go. Desk jobs are too stressful and demanding for our delicate trans minds. Sp if this all is why they think, then we are not allowed to have any jobs. Which in are capitalistic soeciety means we have no value to cis people. Whoch means we are not human to them.

That is why some people thinking because the military is what it is, trans people not being able to partake is good thing is such a bad take right now. Because the military exclusion is a small section of the bigger picture. It ia the beginning of a systemic destrution of our rights and personhood. It is, unquestionably, a violation of human decency. We exist. We have rights to everything cis people do. Why is that so hard to get? I haven’t evwn mentioned the fact that not every military job evwn involves killing. Cooks, mechanics, paper pushers, and so forth. That’s why the Conservatives arguments are so fundmentally wrong.

So, Trump’s actions are based on human rights violation. Simple as that, and we as a society should not take it. Cis or trans, gay or stripaight, none of it matters. We as human beings should let the presudent know of our dissatifaction. He should not hear the end of it, nor should his underlings. This monster should be called a job and life destroyer, and we should all slay the beast. Regardless of where we all fall on the spectrum of human existence.